What is PGI?

Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) is a prestigious designation that recognizes specific geographical regions known for producing exceptional food and drink. In the case of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef, this label signifies that the meat possesses unique characteristics that are inherently linked to Wales and cannot be replicated elsewhere.

Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef owe their distinct quality to the pristine natural elements found in Wales – clean air, pure spring water, lush grass, and aromatic heather. These natural resources, combined with traditional farming methods passed down through generations, contribute to the superior taste and texture of the meat, enjoyed by consumers worldwide.

Awarded by the European Commission (EC), PGI status places Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef alongside renowned products like Parma Ham, signifying their exceptional quality and heritage. This recognition underscores the commitment to preserving and promoting foods that reflect their origins and are crafted with care and tradition.

When you encounter the PGI badge on Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef products, it assures you that the animals were born and raised in Wales, allowed to graze freely in its natural landscape, and cared for by generations of experienced farmers. Additionally, stringent regulations ensure that the meat is processed in approved facilities and maintains full traceability throughout the supply chain, guaranteeing food safety and quality.

At Butchery Bocs, we take pride in offering Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef with PGI certification, ensuring that every cut of meat meets the highest standards of excellence. PGI designation sets our products apart, signifying our unwavering commitment to quality, authenticity, and tradition.